Entity Information

Data type: Asset, fields list

Please note, that FuelConsumption and FuelCost values are accepted and returned in metric measurement units only, including assets of divisions with imperial measurement units.

  • FuelConsumption - kilometers per 1 litre
  • FuelCost - US Dollars per 1 litre

1. Returns all active assets for your division (without subdivisons)

URL: /api/assets

2. Returns a specific asset by its ID if it is in the corresponding division.

URL: /api/assets/{assetId}

Query parameterRequiredTypeDefaultDescription
includechilddivisionsNoTrue/FalseFalseIf set to true, returns assets for subdivisions as well.
includedisabledassetsNoTrue/FalseFalseIf set to true, returns also disabled assets.

3.Returns all of the assets for your division that match query parameters

URL:  /api/assets

Query parameterRequiredTypeDefaultDescription
includechilddivisionsNoTrue/FalseFalseIf set to true, returns assets for subdivisions as well.
includedisabledassetsNoTrue/FalseFalseIf set to true, returns also disabled assets.
attributesNoSemicolon-delimited list of attribute values-If parameter specified, returns only assets with matching attribute values.