Entity Information

Data type: IftaReport, fields list

Please note, that output report row dates are always in division local time even if UTC has been requested.


  • /api/ifta/?startdatetime={yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}&enddatetime={yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss}[&assetid={assetId}][&includechilddivisions={true|false}][&includedisabledassets={true|false}]


Returns IFTA report rows for given asset or all assets from requested division for given date range

startdatetime (mandatory): Builds report based on events registered after given date. Both UTC and local dates are accepted. Check Dates Handling for details.

enddatetime (mandatory): Builds report based on events registered before given date. Both UTC and local dates are accepted. Check Dates Handling for details.

assetId (optional): If specified, get report only for given asset

includechilddivisions (optional): If set to true, returns assets for subdivisions as well. Default is false.

includedisabledassets (optional): If set to true, returns report for disabled assets as well. Default is false.