Entity Information

Data type: OutgoingMessage, fields list


  • /api/messages/outgoing/{messageId}[?includechilddivisions={true|false}][&includedisabledterminals={true|false}][&fromterminalid={terminalId}]


Returns a specific outgoing message by its ID if it is in the corresponding division.

includechilddivisions (optional): If set to true, search message of subdivisions assets as well. Default is false.

includedisabledterminals (optional): If set to true, search message of disabled terminals as well. Default is false.

fromterminalid (optional): If set to true, verifies that message also originated from terminal with Id equal to FromTerminalId field


  • /api/messages/outgoing[?assetid={assetId}][&afterid={messageId}][&terminalid={terminalId}][&includechilddivisions={true|false}][&includedisabledterminals={true|false}][&startdatetime={yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ}][&enddatetime={yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ}][&fromterminalid={terminalId}]


Returns all of the outgoing messages that matches query parameters up to the query maximum for your division.

Sort order: reverse chronological (using CreatedOn property)

assetId (optional): returns outgoing messages for specified asset only.

afterId (optional): returns outgoing messages with ID greater than specified.

terminalId (optional): returns outgoing messages for specified terminal only.

includechilddivisions (optional): If set to true, returns alerts for subdivisions as well. Default is false.

includedisabledterminals (optional): If set to true, returns outgoing messages for disabled terminals. Default is false.

startdatetime (optional): If set, returns only outgoing messages occurred at specified Date/Time or after it. Both UTC and local dates are accepted. Check Dates Handling for details.

enddatetime (optional): If set, returns only outgoing messages occurred at specified Date/Time or before it. Both UTC and local dates are accepted. Check Dates Handling for details.

fromterminalid (optional): If set to true, returns only outgoing messages, originated from terminal with given Terminal Id.