The Trakopolis API security follows the OAuth version 2.0 specification which can be found at this link:
- The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol -
- OAuth 2.0 Overview -
OAuth is an industry specified protocol for authentication against distributed services. It has been implemented for Trakopolis to help assure that your data can remain as secure as possible. The process uses an access token to use protected resource for every request.
You need to register your OAuth2 application at Trakopolis website. The application will be given a credentials - pair of client identifier and client secret. You must use these values to authenticate with against the OAuth2 secured API. Both client identifier and client secret will be sent across the network over secured HTTPS connection go get an access token. Further requests will be done using this token. If you require a new client identifier/secret please contact technical support and one will be generated for you. You should keep in secret application credentials to prevent unauthorized usage.
OAuth2 authorization process is described at "OAuth2 Authorization" documentation section.
Please contact Trakopolis support with any questions you have about our authorization system.
- You may have several different applications available for your division at a time.